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Friday 22 January 2021

Online Evaluation game for Primary education

Learning is more than waking up one day and deciding you want to pick up something new.

The most successful people strive to embody a growth mindset — a mindset that embodies the idea that we can always be better, that we should be constantly learning. But to help us achieve our goals in life and at work, learning must be purposeful.

But purposeful learning doesn’t just mean deciding you want to learn something new. It’s a path with many steps towards the summit.

Building daily learning habits is the number one way to grow professionally and personally. As Daniel Pink, author of Drive points out:

“Goals that people set for themselves and that are devoted to attaining mastery are usually healthy. But goals imposed by others — sales targets, quarterly returns, standardised test scores, and so on — can sometimes have dangerous side effects.”

  • A professional development day, which is a one off, that’s not revisited
  • A training session, which goes into detail once, then moves on
  • A course, which covers a range of topics, that aren’t revisited
  • A lecture, which covers one topic, in depth, then moves on
  • A series of workshops, which end and aren’t revisited
  • A book club where you read and discuss a book once, then move on
  • A class, where you cover information once, that’s not revisited

Chances are you’ve attended one of these and forgotten everything you covered, talked about and discussed. But when learning is at the centre of your mindset, you’ll have the foundations and motivation to build positive learning habits.

Be open-minded about acquiring knowledge. Learn something small and put it into action every day. But that’s easier said than done. That’s why I’m bringing you a list of ten habits you can develop to become devoted to achieving mastery and learning every day.




Steps to build a daily learning habit

Although intrinsic motivation opens the door to learning, it doesn’t make learning happen. Motivation engages you with the process — as states, it’s the ‘plan for implementation’ that makes the process effective.

These ten steps provide a plan for turning learning into habit.

Use these simple steps to adopt the behaviors you need to give yourself an edge — both now and in your future.

Because each step has been broken down, you’ll be able to easily identify any points of weakness. This is done by reassessing all nine steps on a regular basis.

The other gain around continuous reflection and re-design is the way it propels you through failure. For example, if you realise that you’ve missed your daily learning habit four days in a row, then break it into something smaller that’s more easily consumable. This stops you beating yourself up and stops you giving up.

In addition, if you have your master timeline mapped. You can place trust you are still heading in the right direction. The macro longer term aspiration will still be in motion — you must not forget.

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